Trudy J. Morgan-Cole
Editing and Other Services
Looking for manuscript evaluation, editing, coaching, or writing workshops/classes? I can help!
I've been a writer for over 40 years. I've also been a freelance editor, an English teacher (for teens and adults), a judge for numerous literary contests, and a friend who gives feedback to my close writer friends on their work.
If you're a writer and would like to benefit from my experience as you work on your own projects, please check out some of the professional services I offer.
Because I want to offer the best possible service, I will only work with genres that I feel confident in as a reader or writer. I can work with writers of young adult or adult books (literary or commercial) in the following genres:
contemporary fiction
historical fiction
nonfiction memoir
I will not consider the following genres, simply because I don't have enough expertise in these areas:
science fiction
children's books
non-fiction other than memoir
Prices and services are negotiable based on your specific needs and situation; we can work together to develop a plan that will be best for you and your book.
Email me at trudyj65@hotmail.com to discuss any of the services listed below.
Manuscript Evalution
What you get: I will read your book-length manuscript and write a detailed 4 to 5 page evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, and areas you can work on in your next draft. After you receive my evaluation, we can follow up with a conversation (in person or via Zoom) where I will answer any questions you have from the evaluation and discuss some of the things you may want to do as you move forward with this book project.
Time: 2 - 4 weeks
Cost: Generally $250-500, but will depend on length of manuscript.

Book Coaching
Are you stuck on a writing project where you don't know how to begin -- or you're in the middle of it but can't see your way to the end? Do you feel overwhelmed and wish there was someone to talk to about the whole thing? You may be ready for a book coach!
What you get: Book coaching includes some of the same services you'll get with a manuscript evaluation or a substantive edit: I'll read your book, all together or in sections, and give you specific, direct feedback that will help you finish and/or revise the work.
But there's more to book coaching! It's a mentorship process in which will meet with you on a regular basis (in person or via Zoom) to discuss sections of your book, talk about your progress, work through plot holes and writers' block. I can, if you like, give you suggested topics for journalling to help you think through challenging parts of the writing process. Book coaching can be pretty much what you want it to be, and we can work out a plan together that suits your goals and what I can offer.
While I won't literally sit by your side and hold your hand while you write your book, this is the package where I metaphorically do that. If you've got a big project and you feel you need some extra support/input, let's talk about whether book coaching is right for you.
Time: Variable, but meeting a couple of times a month over a period of 6 months to a year would be typical.
Cost: Starts at $1500; will vary depend on how much time we agree on.

Substantive Editing
What you get: I will do a detailed reading of your manuscript that will delve into exactly what's working, what's not working, and how to change it. I will give very specific suggestions about character development, plot, theme, language choices -- whatever is necessary to help bring your book to the next level.
If you are publishing with a traditional publisher, this is the type of editing you will hopefully be offered by an in-house editor at the publishing house(thus, you wouldn't have to pay for it). If you plan to self-publish, or if you feel your book needs a lot of work before it's even ready to submit to a publisher, this service may be for you. Through the editing process, I will be available to answer specific questions you may have, either by email, in-person, or through a Zoom meeting.
I also offer my freelance editing services to publishers. The prices quoted below are what I will charge a writer; publisher fees will be based on their normal rates for freelance editors.
Time: 2 - 3 months
Cost: Starts at $750, depending on length of manuscript and the amount of work required.

Workshops and Classes
Starting in Fall 2025, I will be offering several different one-time workshops and longer courses dealing with specific aspects of writing. The longer courses will be designed for people who are working on a book-length writing project and want to focus on various aspects of the project while getting some workshopping and feedback from me and fellow class members.
The feedback you'll get from my workshops and classes won't be as thorough and detailed as you would get if you hired me to evaluate, edit, or coach you through your project -- but it will be more affordable, and have the benefit of connecting with a group of other writers.
I'll be offering both in-person and online options for these workshops and courses.
Titles, dates, and prices will be posted both here and on my Events page during Summer 2025 so you can plan ahead!